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FEATURES: + EASY CONTROLS +Multiple TARGETS and Scenarios! +Improve your response time + Colorful glow graphics. Fast Tap! 1.12 - Free Arcade Game for Android - APK4Fun FastTap (automatic clicker) [ROOT] or [ADB] takes up around 3.0 MB of storage. It's recommended to download APKPure App to install FastTap (automatic clicker) [ROOT] or [ADB] successfully on your mobile device with faster speed. Download Latest Version for Android. A Free app for Android, by XIAOYANG. 1/5. FastTap automatic clicker ROOT or ADB is a program by XIAOYANG for Android you can download and access in English, Portuguese, Russian. FastTap automatic clicker ROOT or ADB is available on Filehippo in English, Portuguese, Russian. We hope it will be useful. Download FAST TAP APK - LDPlayer Fast Tap! Description: Tap as fast as you can and show you are the fastest person in the world! In this game you have to tap all the buttons with the same color as the indicator shows, when the time finishes you will see the quantity of your taps and you can see your online score. The more times you click on the check sign the more points you get, if you click on the X box the game is over, and don't forget that you're playing against the time. Fast Tap 1 - Free Arcade Game for Android - APK4Fun FastTap APK (Android App) - Free Download - APKCombo Latest Version. Version. 1.0 (3) Update. Sep 20, 2016. Developer. jVel. Category. Casual. Google Play ID. Installs. 100+. App APKs. FastTap APK. Fast Tap GAME. Fast Tap is the simplest game in the world. Push the button as many times as you can to be the fastest finger! FastTap (automatic clicker) APK for Android Download - TapTap for Android - Download the APK from Uptodown FastTap (automatic clicker) [ROOT] or [ADB] - Download APK on Android ... Download: FastTap (automatic clicker) [ROOT] or [ADB] APK (App) - Latest Version: 1.0.5.root - Updated: 2023 - com.autoclicker.automatic.tap - XIAOYANG - Free - Mobile App for Android. Fast Tap APK (Android Game) - Free Download - APKCombo 235 reviews. 16.3 M downloads. The international version of TapTap. Get the latest version. 3.24.-full.100000. Apr 23, 2024. Older versions. Advertisement. TapTap is the international version of the TapTap app market. Fast Tap APK (Android Game) - Free Download - APKCombo Download TapTap global apk - TapTap TapTap - Games worth discovering TapTap is a free app store that lets you download games and other apps onto your mobile device. It has a robust community of developers and gamers that safely use the application. Since TapTap features developers that can add their apps to the platform, multiple versions of the same game can be found, like TapTap PUBG. FAST TAP Description. Simple game for 2-4 players. Each player will select a fruit from the corners. When your fruit appears on the screen, you must touch it so that it disappears, whoever ends up with their fruits will win. Open up. Download APK for Android. Currently, FAST TAP APK download is not available. Download & Install FastTap (automatic clicker) [ROOT] or [ADB] App Apk on Android Phones. Find latest and old versions. TapTap is a mobile gaming app that allows users to discover and download a wide variety of games from different genres. Developed by TapTap Network Technology Co., Ltd., the app has become increasingly popular among mobile gamers around the world. Highlights: -Quick access to any game. -Join the TapTap giant gaming community. Fast X Racing - Tap Drift android iOS apk download for free-TapTap. Provider Voltare Games. 62 Downloads 203 Followers. Racing. Action. Introducing Fast X Racing - Tap Drift, the ultimate one-touch control and amazing drifting game with mind-blowing graphics and visuals. Download: Fast Tap APK (Game) - Latest Version: 2.0 - Updated: 2023 - - Peppercorn Apps - Free - Mobile Game for Android. Download Fast Tap APK 1.7.2 (Free Download) - Fast Tap! APK - Mobile Game for Android - com.mezzor.fasttap - Grupo Mezzor - Latest Version 2022 - Updated - Free APK Combo Fast Tap APK - Download (Android Game) - APKCombo TapTap APK for Android - Download Oct 22, 2021. Developer. SV Products. Category. Casual. Google Play ID. com.SVProducts.FastTap. Installs. 100+. App APKs. Fast Tap APK. Fast Tap GAME. Are you ready to test and practice your speed and accuracy? This new game called Fast Tap will challenge your fingers and improve your accuracy! TapTap APK for Android Download - FastTap (automatic clicker) [ROOT] or [ADB] 6.0 7 Reviews. 1.0.5.root by XIAOYANG. Jan 13, 2019. Download APK. How to install XAPK / APK file. Follow. Use APKPure App. Get FastTap (automatic clicker) old version APK for Android. Download. About FastTap (automatic clicker) English. Notice! PC needed without ROOT. Set up Quick Tap to take screenshots, access your digital assistant, play or pause media, view notifications, see recent apps, or launch a specific app. 0:30 Related Fast Tap GAME. Fast Tap! is a highly addictive game where you have to tap all the buttons with the same color as the indicator shows. Fast Tap is a brain and reaction training game. It combines reaction time and your ability to think. The game is about making quick, but also right choices. FastTap (automatic clicker) [ROOT] or [ADB] apk - APKFollow Fast Tap APK (Android Game) - Free Download - APKCombo Download the latest official global version of TapTap for Android and iOS for free from the TapTap official website. Uncover more than 120,000 games featuring over 4 million reviews written and read by over 60 million players from around the world. FastTap automatic clicker ROOT or ADB APK for Android - FileHippo Download & install FastTap (automatic clicker) [ROOT] or [ADB] APK - Version: 1.0.5.root - com.autoclicker.automatic.tap - XIAOYANG - App for Android 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1 / Android 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 / Android TV & Tablet / PC Windows Download FastTap APK - Latest Version 2023 - APKCombo Automate mobile clicks. FastTap Automatic Clicker ROOT Or ADB is a cost-free utility that can automate the clicks on your mobile phone or tablet devices, You can set the tool to work on any part of your screen. It's really fast and handy to do all the repeating tasks.
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